Chelan, WA – Lakeshore RV Park

The trip to Chelan was unplanned. The original plan was to visit Jen’s friend in Waterville, WA but as it turns out she was working Wednesday until 5:00 PM so we made a change of plans. The whole morning was horrible, I was sick, Jen was sick, Evelyn was sick, and Leona… was becoming sick. Instead of driving out to Jen’s friends house we decided to head into “town” and do completed chores, enjoy a quiet night, and hopefully recoup.

The drive from Daroga to Chelan was pretty straight forward, we decided to forgo dumping our tanks as Chelan has full hookups. Unfortunately, this was a bad decision and as we approached Chelan the RV was smelling pretty raunchy. There was a state park just before crossing the Columbia, so I pulled the Unicorn in and dumped the tanks at the dump station.

We continued to Chelan, stopping at Safeway to have some lunch before buying groceries. We parked behind the Safeway and enjoyed a view of the city going by on a Wednesday afternoon while eating our sandwiches. After groceries we went to the only laundry mat in town, a dark backroom behind a Pizza Place. There were a dozen machines, but the room was a dungeon.

Finally at 2:00 PM, we pulled into the campground and into our camp spot for the night. It was near the highway, in the pack of the park. Although we had full hookups, it was only 30 AMPs of power so we could not run both AC units. Finally having sewer water after three day, Jen and I took turns showering to remove the dirt. After the showers, we packed up the girls and went into the city for dinner and exploring. Although we sick, we were hoping some sunshine and walking would make us better.

We went to Bear Foods, a hippy natural foods store which is a place I personally love. Jen needed to find something very specific her doctor had suggested she take and we hoped Bear Foods had it. While Jen looked, Evelyn and I wandered the store looking and touching everything. They have bulk foods of all kinds, so it was fun to show Evelyn Tapioca Pearls, Flour, Lima Beans, etc. up close.

After Bear Foods we stopped by BC McDonald’s for dinner. It was a nice older building with a small hotel upstairs, the food was pretty standard but it was great to have freshly cooked meals of your liking instead. I enjoyed a hamburger which was very good along with French Fries. Jen had halibut and a baked potato, while Evelyn had Chicken Fingers and Fries. Leona had Salad and Fries, pretty standard food for her two year-old body.

We returned to the RV, put on movies, and pretty much stayed shut in our RV for the rest of the night. Jen and Evelyn were exhausted from their cold, I was feeling pretty bad as well.. but the RV was clean thanks to Jen and our tanks empty. Leona and I snuck out for a quick walk to the beach, where she gleefully threw rocks into Lake Chelan. She had a big grin her face as the water plooped.

The RV park was nice, the spots were smaller then I would like, and the vast majority of people at the park had kids. Our kids were too young (and sick) to enjoy this and I was a bit annoyed by it, but maybe someday when they are older I can sit outside with a beer in my hand chatting with my neighbor while my girls terrorize the boys of the park. The other deterrent, was cost… $49 for a night which is about $20 more than what we normally pay. There is beach access, but it’s hard to justify $343 for a week of RV park time.


  • Utilization: I counted one free spot out of 150+.
  • Hookups: 30 AMP, 20 AMP electricity, water, sewer, and cable.
  • WiFi: None available.
  • Cellular Data: 3 bars of 4G with Verizon but I have a hardware device issue, so I could not use it; 3 bars of 3G with Sprint but high latency made it useless. I ended up using my AT&T phone with tethering which provided rock solid service; 3 bars of 4G.